Thursday, 23 November 2017

Blockchain Technology for Letters of Credit and Escrow Arrangements

Here is an article I have written on the basis of my presentation at the conference “Supply Chain Finance and the Changing Landscape of International Trade” held at the Gothenburg University (Sweden) on 23 October 2017.

An additional note (25 Nov 2017): This article has been accepted for publication from the Banking Law Journal and, after editing, is scheduled (tentatively) to appear in the February 2018 issue. The unedited Word version is kept here with permission.

Thursday, 2 November 2017

Blockchain Technology for Letter of Credit and Escrow Service

Here are the slides I used for my presentation at the Gothenburg University (Sweden) on 23 October 2017.
Very many thanks to Abhinayan Basu Bal for his invitation.